Friday, August 26, 2005

the desire for something more...

I go through these phases every so often and I feel myself going through yet another one...

I feel like I should be doing something else with my career. I know my job is just a job - a way of producing a paycheck that lets me live the lifestyle I've grown accustomed to...a new home, bills, my love for TJ know, the essential things in life. But I want a job that is more than that. I want a job that is fulfilling, challenging, and let's be honest...pays me the BIG bucks. Don't get me wrong - I work for an amazing company, love my peers, idolize my boss (a female, nonetheless...which is so inspiring to me), and my paycheck isn't all that shabby for someone my age. But it's days like today when I feel like gouging my eyes out in boredom because I have nothing to do...or anything I actually feel like doing, anyway.

I want to be in control of my own career destiny. And a part of me feels like I sold out on that goal by working for "the man". You know "the man"...the big corporate world. The "everything has a process and procedure" world. The "heaven forbid you have a unique creative thought to contribute...we will give you your opinion" world. Sounds lovely, doesn't? Well, that is my world. It's a world that I've reluctantly gotten used to. It's just the way it is...I either have to deal with it or...well, or what? That is the question I find myself asking when I get in these phases...what are my career options? If I want to make any money in my lifetime, I have to stick it out and, after 20-30 years, will eventually make the big bucks....maybe. But that just sounds way too depressing to me.

Am I crazy to want to retire at the age of 30? OK, maybe 35 is a little more realistic? kidding...well, kind of. How are so many people out there millionaires? I just don't get it. Only so many people can inherit that kind of money, right? So what about all the other millionaires? What in the world do they do? How do they get to become so stinkin' wealthy? Did they just stumble upon financial success? Did they work their fingers to the bone only to find themselves working 80 hour weeks and taking a vacation once every 2 acheive the financial goals they so desired? Well that's not the kind of 'rich life' I want. In my opinion, that is no way to live. But I definitely have financial dreams - only mine feel like they are more of a realistic goal than a fantasy. Am I just setting myself up for total disappointment?

But how else does one meet such high financial goals if you don't reach for the stars? I've always been told that you can have anything you just have to work for it. Well, I live my life with that notion constantly going through my head. And my poor husband definitely feels the heat from my determination to reach my extreme life goals. The only thing is that I don't find them all that extreme. I want wealth just as bad as the next person, right? I don't know about that. I think some people give into mediocracy. I think some people get to a point in their life when they realize that the dream of becoming financially successful...which, in itself, means different things to different just not going to happen for them. This is where the whole "I think I am setting myself up for total disappointment" comes in. Because I can see myself in 10 years having reached my financial goals...or at least very well on my way to achieveing them. But I'm not an idiot - I'm definitely reluctant to have these dreams. Isn't it dangerous to have such enthusatic, possibly unreachable, goals? Am I just a nieve 27 year-old wishing for something that will only end up ruling and, ultimately, ruining my happiness? Lord, I hope not. That is certainly not my intentions.

I am not what you would call a "materialistic" person...I hope that is not what is being derived from this rant of mine. I just want to live a life where I do not have to depend on "the man" to fulfill my financial dreams. But it's all a big circle, right? I can't reach these goals unless I depend on "the man". That thought makes my stomach churn. So I have decided to take a business idea and make it my ticket to reach my financial dreams. For many reasons, I cannot divulge my business idea...but it has me more excited about my career than I've been in years. I feel like I have found what will make me truly happy in my career. I will be in complete control of my own destiny. Finally. I love hard work. I love challenges. Bring it on. This is what I want out of life...almost as much as I want my financial success. Challenge. To work hard for my money...and not in the way Donna Summer put it. I mean to actually be in charge of every aspect of my business. I think this is the answer I've been waiting for. The anticipation is killing me...


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