Thursday, October 13, 2005

step away from the numbers and no one gets hurt

I have been dealing with nothing but numbers, equations, and formulas for the past week and I'm beginning to get a bit delirious. I work in marketing and unfortunately part of my job is to calculate my fiscal year-end results (I work for a German company and our year ends in September, rather than January like everyone case you care...). My calculator is beginning to form itself to my hand as if I am growing another eyes are glazing over and everything I see I try to divide, find the sum, and then find the percent change.

I have never been a math wiz...I never have really liked numbers and I think the feeling is pretty mutual. But over the past week I think I've built a cordial relationship with math and there seems to be a common respect between me and "the numbers". I'm beginning to realize that I like the clean, cut n' dry answers, solutions, and consequences you get with numbers. It's anything but clutter - and I hate clutter. As long as you clean up your numbers and put then in order, you can see everything clearly. And, while I am on the (boring) subject, can I just tell you how much I love Microsoft Excel?! Sorting, data filters, finding the sum of a column with one easy click of a button? What can be more fun?!

omg...I think I need some fresh air...


Blogger Carolyn S. said...

I didn't think a post about numbers could be so interesting. I really enjoy your writing style.

8:50 AM  

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