use 'em if you got 'em
I don't understand people who hoard their vacation days...saving them up for nothing special and then only to lose them at the end of the year because you can only "carry over" a certain number of days. What's the point? My theory is to use every last stinkin' personal and vacation day that I am given. Afterall, it's a part of my salary and if I don't use it I feel like I'm not accepting a full paycheck or something. It's all part of the "el cheapo" people with a lot of money but don't want to spend it. They just like watching their bank account grow and grow. At least in that sense, they get to keep all their money...unlike the vacation days that get lost due to a "carry over" limit. But it's all the same theory. What's the point of working hard for something that you don't use or reap the benefit from? If you need help...I can certainly show you how to use your vacation days or even spend your money, in that case. geesh.
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