Wednesday, November 02, 2005

the devil's holiday

Our first Halloween in our new home was a success. Lots of little trick-or-treaters in the cutest costumes you'll ever see...and, of course, lots of candy left over to taunt and harass me until each piece has been eaten. And it's so hard to pass up! They are just these small "fun size" pieces that suffice that small craving for chocolate..."oh, what's one more?" I think..."or maybe even two more? They're so's not that bad..." Until I stop and realize I've now engorged 10 pieces of that "small" candy that add up to 3 large candy bars. No wonder Halloween is the 'Devil's Holiday'!

On to more interesting what's with Lost being a repeat for the second week in a row?! Total BS. Although I was able to catch a full episode of Martha Stewart's Apprentice for the first time last week because I didn't feel like sitting through a Lost rerun. Very interesting, I must say. Martha, the tigerlady, power-hungry, demanding bitch we all know know and love, is really trying her darndest to portray this endearing, lovable character. What's up with that? I don't know about you, but I'd rather see Martha for the true devil-of-a-boss we all know she is. None of this "writing the fired contestants a letter to make them feel better about themselves" crap. I wanna see more of the "don't let the door hit ya' on the ass on the way out" Martha attitude. Come on, Martha...give it to us straight! Roar, Tigerlady, Roar!


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