Wednesday, October 26, 2005

sleeping with the lights on

In the spirit of Halloween, I thought I'd list what I consider to be the scariest movies ever:

The Exorcist - Of course this had to be listed first. I think this is on everyone's "scariest movie" list.

The Ring - A close second to The Exorcist for me. This movie gave me nightmares for a week.

Mothman Prophecies - This movie didn't get much hype when it was in the theatres but I rented it one night and..fogetta 'bout it. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.

The Shining - Red Drum, Red Drum, Red Drum...all I have to say.

Seven - This may not be so much 'scary' as more of a 'murder/mystery' movie...but it still gave me the creepies. Great movie all the way around. Amazing ending.

Nightmare on Elm Street - These movies may not scare me as much today, but let me tell you - in 8th grade these movies kept me up at night. My first horror movie was a Nightmare on Elm Street flick and I will never forget it. Freddie Kruger was etched in my mind for months.

Open Water - Sharks. All I have to say.

Fraility - Again, maybe not the 'scariest' movie...but definitely one of the creepiest. Another flick that never got much hype but it's definitely worth watching.

The Blair Witch Project - I swear I thought it was real...and don't lie, you did too. I will never look at the woods the same.


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