Friday, December 16, 2005

so disappointing

The final episode of The Apprentice aired last night, crowning Randal as the new Apprentice. BOO! I was so routing for Rececca to win! Rebecca was the true underdog to cheer for...she was young, but had the maturity, experience, and smarts to take the win. She is a truly motivated, determined, and loyal person that would have made a great asset to Trump's organization. make matters worse!...after announcing Randal as the winner, Trump asked Randal if he thought he should hire Rebecca as well and Randal quickly replied "No! This show is called The Apprentice - not 'The Apprenti'!" How ruuuuude! Rebecca clearly deserved the recognition but Randal wasn't willing to share the spotlight. Selfish bastard. Oh well. Maybe Trump will reconsider and hire Rebecca despite his new apprentice's opinion...

And in other was Howard Stern's last day on terrestrial radio! So sad to see him go...but excited with anticipation to see what he has in store for us in world of satellite radio!

Good luck Howard! I'll be seein' ya on the other side!


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