Tuesday, March 14, 2006

can i stop talking now?

Are you ever caught in a moment where you step outside of yourself and are embarrassed by what you are saying? You want to stop yourself but you've already gone too far - and by stopping now would only worsen your cause or, for that matter, your pride? It's like watching a train wreck - you can't look away and yet there is nothing you can do to stop it.

I find myself in this situation far too often than I'd like to admit.


Blogger Carolyn S. said...

oh no, what happened?

1:11 PM  
Blogger GoodTimes said...

oh...too embarrassing to delve into. But let's just say it involved PMS, a short period of crying (can you say overdramatic?), and even a glimpse of needy-ness.

Thank goodness this embarrassing situation was with a close loved one, so I don't think my image is completed destroyed. :)


1:48 PM  

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