Tuesday, August 08, 2006


In order to overcome this terrible vacation withdraw, the best thing to do is focus on upcoming fun festivities. And what better way to create a fun festivity than to throw a party of my own. I have been craving an ol' fashioned girls night for a while now and have decided to host my girls over my lilly pad for a night of good drinks, good eats, all over good girl talk. What could be better?

I love playing hostess. There is nothing I'd rather do (other than strike it rich, own a beach house, and never have to work again...but that's just the withdraw talking...) than play hostess to my friends. And now that I have a house, parties are that much more fun to host.

However, the size of my living space never stopped me from hosting parties before. When I was camped up in my shoebox-sized, 1 bedroom apartment, I threw parties where people would overflow to the parking lot. The parties were always tasteful - definitely an upgrade from my kegger parties in my college days - but I got the feeling that my neighbors were never very fond of me.

I just can never pass up the opportunity to be surrounded by people that make me happy...especially if those cute little mini hot dogs are being served.


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