all i want is food and creative love
I like to think of myself as a simple person. It doesn't take much to please me and I try to keep my 'needs' to a minimum. True happiness comes in all shapes and sizes. It could mean surrounding yourself with good friends and family, a beautiful day at the beach, a new job...or simply a McDonald's #2 value meal after a long night out with Dr. Miller Light.
Whatever the case may be, and maybe due to the fact that I am (gasp!) maturing a bit, but the things that make me happy seem to be getting simpler and simpler. There are days when I want the big house, the fancy vacation home, the beautiful car in the driveway, and a dream job to beat all dream jobs...but I've come to realize that if all that means jeopardizing relationships or stress on my marriage, then I'd rather leave it than take it. I think that once I realized I was truly in love with my now husband (which was many years ago...) and made the commitment to our relationship through marriage, I knew that this was something bigger than me. That my happiness now and will forever be dependent on not only myself but the happiness in our relationship.
Here's to love, happiness, and living life to the the simplest way possible.
Whatever the case may be, and maybe due to the fact that I am (gasp!) maturing a bit, but the things that make me happy seem to be getting simpler and simpler. There are days when I want the big house, the fancy vacation home, the beautiful car in the driveway, and a dream job to beat all dream jobs...but I've come to realize that if all that means jeopardizing relationships or stress on my marriage, then I'd rather leave it than take it. I think that once I realized I was truly in love with my now husband (which was many years ago...) and made the commitment to our relationship through marriage, I knew that this was something bigger than me. That my happiness now and will forever be dependent on not only myself but the happiness in our relationship.
Here's to love, happiness, and living life to the the simplest way possible.
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