Thursday, July 13, 2006

time spent

Where do the years go? One day you will find yourself looking around at the life you have established and think...'how in the hell did I get here?'. Nearing my high school 10 year reunion, this is one of the many life-assessment questions I am challenging myself.

There are days when I feel satisfied. I have a decent job, pull in a decent paycheck, am very happily married, own a home, and am surrounded by a great family and fabulous friends. I have plenty to thankful for.

However, there are those other days when I feel completely inadequate. Especially when I run into someone I graduated with who has done so much more with their lives - whether it be in their career path, family life, or contributing more to society. Whatever the case may be, I begin questioning how I've spent my time over the years. Have I taken advantage of all the opportunities given to me? Have I lived life to its utmost potential? Or am I watching life surpass me as I dream about where I really want to be...what job I desire...the paycheck I yearn for...the house I fantasize about living in...?

I guess I will never know what could've, should've, or would've been, had I taken a different life path. But what I do know is that I am healthy, in love with my husband, semi-happy with my job (which, I think, is a lot more than most people can say), and have a wonderful family that supports me. Do you think all that will fit on my name tag at the reunion?


Blogger Homevalley said...

Wouldn't it be nice to have a spreadsheet/resume to hand out at these types of events? The header could read "I am at a really good place in my life. Which way to the open bar?"

2:31 PM  

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