Tuesday, January 03, 2006

hot ham n' cheese...yum!

I tried a new recipe at my holiday parties that was a smashing success...and SO simple!

Mini Hot Ham N' Cheese Croissants
Serves 24 = 2 crescents per guest

4 containers of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls (can be of any variety - I used the big, buttery version as well as the reduced fat version and they both came out fabulous)

1 1/2 lbs Deli Sliced Ham

2 - 8oz. packages of Shredded Cheddar Cheese


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Flatten out crescent rolls (one at a time) and slice each crescent triangle in half. Layer ham and sprinkle ham and cheese as desired, roll into croissant and place a toothpick through to hold together. Continue until all crescents are made and place in oven for 15-17 minutes. May be served as is or with dipping condiments such as spicy mustard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the Floribbean Blogspot also.....

4:12 PM  

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