Tuesday, January 03, 2006

welcome back, cotter

Back to the ol' grind...back to the drudges of my day-to-day routine...back to, well, back to work. ugh. The good times had to end sometime...and end they did. But it's not like I'm coming off of a whirlwind vacation. I spent most of my time maxin' and relaxin'. I caught up on some movies I'd been wanting to rent, ate lots of 'bad for me' food, napped, did a bit of post-holiday shopping, ate more and more 'bad for me food', partied my tail off on NYE, and actually got in some much needed daily exercise (not nearly enough exercise to keep up with the number of calories I was intaking on a daily basis...but exercise nonetheless). I actually began to get a bit stir-crazy half way through my vacation. I can only veg out so much before I start to get antsy...it's all a part of my "i have to feel accomplished by the end of the day" personality that can get rather annoying at times. Half of me wants to lay on the couch all day and the other wants to go run a marathon. This inner battle can get very confusing.

Anyway, our Christmas Eve and New Years Eve parties were both very successful. Lots of delicious food was eaten and lots of cocktails were drunk...good times were had by all. The thought of having to get up at 6:30am this morning was quite dreadful. But now that I'm here, it's really not all that bad. It's just that I'd much rather be laying on my couch right now eating more 'bad for me' food...

Happy New Year!


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