Tuesday, August 15, 2006

tough decisions

I get so excited for my birthday. I still get just as excited about celebrating my birthday as when I was 8 and wishing for a My Little Pony-themed birthday party. I can't let a year go by without the traditional birthday cake, candles, and off-key rendition of "Happy Birthday to You...Happy Birthday to You...you look like a monkey and you smell like one too!" Some tradition die hard.

And every year I am proposed with the same difficult question - where do I want to go to dinner for my birthday? This question takes some pondering. I absolutely love going out to eat and to have to decide on where to go out to eat on one of my favorite holidays (my birthday!) is a tough call.

Of all my favorite places to eat...I have to choose one? Difficult times call for difficult measures. I have to pull it together and come to a sane decision - one that I know I will be able to live with. And, to add to the chaos, my mom wants to cook at home for me this year in addition to my husband wanting to take me out on the town.

"What is your preferred favorite dish?" she so suddenly asks of me.

Whoa. You can't just put me on the spot like that. So many choices, so little time. Do I go for my favorite Italian dishes or the cheesy, tasty Mexican options? A chicken entree or a juicy filet on the grill?

I think, to keep myself sane, I think I am going to go with the option of letting my husband take me out to dinner on Thursday to my fav Fellini's Cafe and have my mom cook up a delicious Mexican dish on Sunday.

phew. That was a close one.


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