Thursday, September 28, 2006


I have always been one in favor of change. The seasons, a new hair style, a new house, a new job. Whatever the reason, I have always welcomed change as a refreshing new beginning. Call me a hopeless optimist if you must, but I think change is a very healthy way to keep life interesting. What fun would it be to have the same routine, in the same location, doing the same job, with the same hairstyle all the time? No matter how drastic the change, I look forward to it.

With that said, I guess it would be easy to figure that I also get bored fairly easily. When things start to get stale, I get restless. I don't mean in a melodramatic way, like the need to move to another part of the country (although, I would not be totally objective to this idea) or the need to shave my head or quit my job and join the Peace Corp. Nothing that extreme. I mean that being in the same job after 2-3 years becomes stale to me and I get the 'itch' to move on. Or I get tired of the same old haircut and need to get a major chop or change the color. And the idea of moving to a new location, yet not too far from my family and friends, is very appealing.

I have a hard time imagining a life without constant change, even if it means simply rearranging my bedroom furniture every six months. I never said I was hard to please.

Here I declare a list of things I want to accomplish before my time is over:

Tour Europe - I've never been overseas and want to experience other cultures and view the beauty of European countries.

Own a vacation home in the Outer Banks of NC - This is completely dependent upon the amount of money I make in my lifetime...but that is for another accomplishment on this list.

Ski the slopes of Colorado - I grew up on the slopes of Vermont and have drifted from the sport over the past few years. My dream has always been to slush the slopes of beautiful Colorado. I hear there is nothing like it.

Run one more marathon - I completed the Walt Disney Marathon in January of 2001 (is that right, Michelle?) and have since completed 4 1/2 marathons and various other distance races. I am getting the itch to run one more marathon - the feeling of crossing that finish line is like no other.

Travel cross-country with my husband - This one may have to wait for retirement, but is something I have always wanted to experience. As much as I want to see the sights of other countries, I first want to experience my own country.

OK, so my wish list is quite small right now but I'm certain it will grow over time. But I am also a firm believer that if you want to do something, there is no need to add it to a list. In the words of Nike, Just Do It.


Blogger Michelle B said...

Actually, we ran in 2003. I will always know this for certain, as Collin was born about 10 mos after that :)

12:22 PM  
Blogger Michelle B said...

on another note.. I am still very angry with myself for not training as I should have with you and only doing the half-marathon in the end and, until I complete one, I will never forgive myself.

So, maybe someday.. sooner rather than later, I will sign-up for one with you. Clearly we won't be running the same pace, but I'll be there.

12:30 PM  
Blogger GoodTimes said...

Oh stop it - don't be so hard on yourself! You will run in one when you feel ready. There is always next year!...or the year after! :)

2:05 PM  

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