Tuesday, September 26, 2006

go with your gut

My weekend oozed with celebrations of love. Saturday kicked it off with an engagement party for my brother-in-law and soon-to-be sister-in-law filled with family, friends, and a rockin' menu of delicious hor'deurves and Italian dishes. I am so excited for my already amazing family to be extending to in-laws now. I feel extremely lucky to have all my newly intertwined families get along so well. Families who party together, stay together.

Sunday capped the weekend off with a fun-filled wedding overlooking beautiful Penn's Landing in the heart of Philadelphia. It's always nice to get a taste of how charming the city can be and makes me feel guilty for not taking advantage of it more often.

But in the midst of love in the air, I had an underlying disappointment in the debut of my new digital camera to capture the many Kodak moments of the weekend. Ironically, the camera I decided upon last week is a Kodak C875 8MP Digital Camera w/ 5x Optical Zoom seemingly with all the bells and whistles I was looking for. I went with the intentions of purchasing the Canon PowerShot, but decided on the Kodak at the last minute for one reason or another. To my major discontent, the Kodak hardly met my expectations. It froze on me several times, the screen would black out at random moments, and did not have the picture clarity that it boasted about. Thankfully it has a 14 day return policy, no questions asked, and I will be exchanging it for the Canon PowerShot. That's what I get for second-guessing myself.

Hopefully I'll be back to my ol' Jacques Cousteau-ways in time for my big party this weekend.


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