Thursday, October 12, 2006

road trip

I am taking Sierra on her very first road trip this weekend to visit her friend Alex (the gray-haired fella below) and his momma and my friend Carrie. The trip should be interesting, being that Sierra 1.) hates the car, 2.) has a tendency to get sick when in the car for longer than 15 minutes, and 3.) this road trip includes an hour-long car ride.

You'd call me a risk-taker.

So I've packed up my car with the essentials to make Sierra most comfortable.

1. Raw hides. Check.
2. Marrow bone (don't ask). Check.
3. Her favorite toy in the whole wide world: her slipper (which, at one time, was my slipper...but these are the sacrifices you make when you have a puppy). Check.
4. Plenty of extra towels to clean up the much-anticipated puke. Check.


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