Monday, December 04, 2006

deck the halls

One of my biggest difficulties during this time of year is avoiding personal shopping sprees. With all the amazing sales going on, it is extremely tempting to do the whole buy "one pretty vase for Aunt Lucy, one adorable pair of black patent pumps for me" thing.

Like it's not hard enough already to budget for the holidays, I also have to account for the amazing sales that seem to talk directly to ME.

I never seem to like my winter clothes. Maybe it's the pale skin or the extra 5 pounds of cushioning I add to my waist and thighs this time of year or the process of thinning out my wardrobe to donate to Purple Heart as part of my holiday 'do-gooding,' but my winter clothing selection is never what I hope it to be. The big, comfy sweaters only magnify those extra 5 pounds and no color ever seems to give improvement to pasty, ghostly skin.

But no matter how displeasing my cold-weather wardrobe may be or how many extra pounds of 'cushioning' I may add to myself, this is by far one of favorite times of year. The glow of holiday lights illuminating my neighborhood, the anticipation of the first snow fall, the excitement of getting our annual Christmas tree and decorating the house with Christmas music in the background, gleefully trimming the tree with a delicious glass of Shiraz to enhance the tradition.

It just doesn't get any better than that.


Blogger Homevalley said...

I agree! This year, J and I hung monogrammed stockings on his staircase. We had a party on Saturday night and were teased mercilessly about our decorations. Our friends are Scrooges.

2:52 PM  

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