Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I tend to put a lot of emphasis on the little things. I stress over tedious, seemingly meaningless things and am fearful I will give myself an ulcer by the time I turn 30.

Whether it be menial things like ‘How am I going to get my workout in today?’, ‘Exactly how many calories were in that bag of chips again?’, ‘Does my boss treat everyone like crap or is it just me?’ or bigger, more life-changing things like ‘Will I get that job I am so desperately holding out for or am I completely wasting my time and only leading myself into total disappointment?’…my mind is constantly churning out the next worry to unleash on my thoughts.

And all this worrying is generally a female character trait. Men don’t seem to worry like women do, or they don’t lead on that they do anyway. Women are constantly concerned with being good enough, strong enough, prepared enough, caring enough, thin enough…that we rarely stop to think of a rationale for our madness.

But I realize that I am my own worst critic. Most of my worries are self-inflicted due to unnecessary pressure I put on myself. Isn’t that the case with most worries though? If there were no worries, where would the challenge in life be? What in the world would we do with our free time?


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