Tuesday, December 12, 2006

remembering what is real

Disclosure: This post contains lots of cheese. Grab a glass of wine and enjoy.

The Christmas holiday becomes more and more commercialized every year and it is so easy to forget the true meaning of the holiday season. It is hard to see past the materialism that surrounds this time of year and remember to celebrate those things that are real.

So when this season bombards you with Christmas lists too long to fit your budget or holiday party planning stress, there is one thing that can banish those winter blues - donate to your favorite charity. Your donation could be as small as $10, but it will warm your heart and bring you closer to the true meaning of the season.


This concludes my cheesiness. Happy holidays!


Blogger Michelle B said...

and, if you love buying gifts for kids or other folks, many charities that provide residential care, like group homes for children or adults with special needs who do not have family, would welcome gifts to be given to those individuals on Christmas Day.

If you live in SE PA, I could direct you to certain charity that would accept things like this!!! Email me mjbrown1801@aol.com

9:29 AM  

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