Tuesday, August 30, 2005

guilty pleasures

I thought I'd fill my spare time today reflecting on a couple of my guilty pleasures. Everyone's got them. Currently, I have two TV shows that I would place in this category: Laguna Beach and The Girls Next Door.

Let me discuss Laguna Beach for a moment. First of all, I hate most of the people on that show but find myself oddly drawn to watching every single episode. I hate Kristen. She annoys the living shit (i've heard people say this before...but what does it mean exactly?) out of me. I can't stand the way she talks, the way she trys to portray this image of being a "player" and that she has guys totally figured out and, most of all, I hate the way she acts like a total bitch and snob, yet has a group a girls that completely worship her and hang on her every word. Secondly, I can't stand Jessica...the whiny bitch who believed Jason was not cheating on her when everyone she talked to and everything he did was proving this theory wrong. Like...hello? She is just stupid. And worst of all, she worships Kristen like she is a God or something. That is her first fault...amongst being a total drama queen and dumb as a rock. The list could go on and on why I can't stand the people on that show. But I am suckered into their rich, lavish lifestyles of money, fashion, and beauty. And, to that point, how are all these people so damn pretty? I mean, even the "geeks" seem to have something endearing about their looks. What's with that?

OK, on to The Girls Next Door. Not much to rant about that show...who wouldn't mind watching beautiful women live their lives in the Playboy mansion, follow Hugh Hefner around all day long, and live lavish liferstyles they obtained only because of the color of their hair and the size of their breasts? It just proves my theory that life is completely unfair. How did these girls land such amazing lives? They probably don't even have high school dimplomas...and yet they spend their days lounging by the pool, sipping margheritas, and being pampered by one of the richest men alive. I just can't help but watch. I guess it's my desire to live vicariously through TV shows that represent a life I will never have. sigh...


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