Thursday, March 23, 2006

i digress

I am on brain overload today. I am beginning to see smoke coming out of my ears from the wheels a' turnin up there. I can only be asked to do so much in one day before I reach my irritability limit. Today has reached that limit and it's pinkie toe is creeping over the limit line of insanity.

So I am going to digress and allow my brain to kick off it's heels, slip into some slippers, and think about something a little less stressful and non-work related. Let us discuss one of my favorite topics: shopping. Check out these cute tops I purchased from Windsor online the other day:

Cute, no? They are set to be delivered on Monday...but I will certainly not be sportin' either of them until my skin becomes a few shades darker than the pasty, pale, death-like white that I currently am today.

I also have a few weddings coming up, so I've been keeping my eyes peeled for cute (ok, last time I say "cute", I promise) dresses as well. Here are a few I came across on Windsor as well:

I'm not totally stoked about any of them...just ideas. Of all of them, though, I think I like the second one from the left (blue, strapless) the best. Something about it catches my eye. Eh? Here it is close up.

I'm actually not likin' the Windsor online store as much as I liked the actual store I visited in California. The web store seems to have a focus on a younger audience - but if you sift through that marketing theme (aka, bypass the "Prom Dresses" section), you can also find clothes for the tastes more to our generation. Just a heads up.

I am also obsessed with JCrew - particularly their line of dresses. (My entire wedding party was outfitted in JCrew attire, if that paints you a picture...) Here a few of my current faves:

My bridesmaids wore the dress all the way to the left, in the color of the dress in the middle. I love them and am so mad at myself for not buying one for myself at the time. I may have to's just too tempting.


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