rich people are annoying
OK, so I know I want to be one and all...but rich people annoy the crap out of me. One of the many experiences I endured while traveling solo this past weekend was witnessing a rich, yuppie-type have a coronary reaction to the announcement that there was no 1st class seating on our hour and 1/2 flight from Chicago to Philly.
My layover in Chicago was to be short and sweet. But I unknowingly was about to witness something that was nothing short of an all-out yuppie rage. Just as our airline-announcer-man informs us that the original plane we were to travel was not working properly and it was going to be replaced with an airbus that did not include (gasp!) first class seating, a Morrissey look-alike with dark rimmed glasses, perfectly coifed hair, obviously hemmed jeans, and a Blackberry glued to his hand, began pushing his way through the crowd, demanding "What did he just say?! Something about no first class seating?!" And just as he gets through pushing us low-life, peasant-like, coach ticket holders out of the way, he finally makes his way up to the podium to give the poor airline-announcer-man a piece of his mind, demanding to speak to a supervisor. It was as if he was being told that he was now to be seated in the undercarriage of the plane - feet dangling in the sky and holding onto his luggage for dear life (can you picture it now?). After watching this spectacle, I would have definitely voted for that option.
My layover in Chicago was to be short and sweet. But I unknowingly was about to witness something that was nothing short of an all-out yuppie rage. Just as our airline-announcer-man informs us that the original plane we were to travel was not working properly and it was going to be replaced with an airbus that did not include (gasp!) first class seating, a Morrissey look-alike with dark rimmed glasses, perfectly coifed hair, obviously hemmed jeans, and a Blackberry glued to his hand, began pushing his way through the crowd, demanding "What did he just say?! Something about no first class seating?!" And just as he gets through pushing us low-life, peasant-like, coach ticket holders out of the way, he finally makes his way up to the podium to give the poor airline-announcer-man a piece of his mind, demanding to speak to a supervisor. It was as if he was being told that he was now to be seated in the undercarriage of the plane - feet dangling in the sky and holding onto his luggage for dear life (can you picture it now?). After watching this spectacle, I would have definitely voted for that option.
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