Monday, October 16, 2006

blood, sweat, and no puking

One of the reasons for visiting my friend Carrie this past weekend was to participate with a relay team in the Baltimore Marathon on Saturday morning. The cool, crisp weather was perfect for a morning of competitive running and set the tone for a successful combined finish time of 3:50 overall, averaging an 8:53 pace. Our relay team consisted of four runners, each taking a leg of about 6-7 miles in distance. We finished in 21st place among a total of 90 female relay teams. Not too shabby.

In the midst of race preparation and recovery, Sierra was impressively well behaved. She refrained from the expected in-route puking on the way to and from and even exhibited her puppy school obedience (money well spent!), allowing for us to stay through the weekend without overstaying our welcome. My friendship with Carrie remains in tact.

Thank goodness for puppy school.


Blogger Homevalley said...

You are my hero. I have had to put my half-marathon training off due to my crazy schedule, but I am coming to you for motivation when I start training again!

5:25 PM  

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