Tuesday, October 17, 2006

bracing myself

I have gotten to the age where I am suddenly faced with the challenge of becoming...gasp!... an adult. This challenge is inevitably enforced by grown-up conversations surrounding mortgages to pay, advancing our careers, and...baby making. Whatever happened to the fun, immature conversations surrounding who we planned on hooking up with at the much-anticipated party of the night, what class we planned on skipping that day, or who won the beer pong tournament from the night before? The idea of starting a family seems so surreal to me right now. I am more than excited by the thought of having a baby, but the coinciding thought of the enormous responsibilities that come along with having a baby leaves me feeling terribly insecure.

I can't help but feel pressured to take advantage of all my baby-free splendors while I still can. Luxuries such as nights out on the town with my girls, time alone with my hubby, and sporadic vacations will be a thing of the past and nursing two-day-long hangovers will no longer be acceptable. I am faced with the fact that these are all inescapable sacrifices once a baby enters our lives.


Blogger Rawrbecca said...

Another sign of maturity - actually being aware that bringing a new life into the world means making changes in you life! It's a pity the number of "adults" that don't actually know that. When you feel it's time I wish you the best of joy & luck!

3:15 PM  

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