boys are stupid
Although I know this is not a new concept to us womenfolk...I thought I'd spend time discussing this subject today due to a recent event involving my husband and how stupid boys can really be.
First let me say that I don't think my husband is stupid in the sense of book smart knowledge or even street smart knowledge. My husband is a very intelligent and an overall good, good person - I love him more than life itself. I wouldn't be married to him otherwise. But this is where it gets can a man be so smart, yet so stupid at the same time? This question leaves me frustrated time after time.
For instance, when I talk to you at 5:00pm and you tell me you are going to be home at 7:00pm, even offering to make dinner...and I don't hear from you until 11:30pm - 4 1/2 hours later - do you not expect me to worry? You have a cell phone. USE IT. It's not really that difficult, is it? This is not a normal occurance. Usually, he is where he said he would be at the time he said he would be there. But every once in a blue moon it's like he looses all intelligence and common sense. If you plan on being 4 1/2 hours later than originally planned...why wouldn't you think to call? And, to make matters worse, the excuse is always dumber than the fact that he didn't call in the first place. It's never anything big deal. Last night he just innocently went over to his parents' house (they are out of town for the week) to check on his brother and to hang out for a little while...which obviously turned into an all-night festivity. Which is FINE! Seriously, I am all for brotherly bonding. I love his brothers. And I love even more that he is so close with them. So that is certainly no reason to not call your wife. What is wrong with him? Why make a mountain out of a molehill? There are so many huge fights that could easily be avoided if he wasn't so 'boy stupid'.
I really think it's like a disease. I know I am not the only one with these kind of problems. Every boy has it - "The Boy Disease". It's a disease that comes with many different symptoms, but all result in the same outbreak - annoying women like crazy. And the things that annoy us are not caused by high expectations or demands. It really, truly is the little things that mean the most to us. Why don't guys pick up on this? And this is an age-old complaint...complaints I hear my mom and even my grandmother saying. So why haven't guys picked up on how easy it is to please us? We don't ask for we?
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