I thought I'd dedicate today's blog to my dog, Marley. My family and I nicknamed him "Mister"...well, actually, really it was me. For some reason, I find very strange nicknames for all our dogs. Our last dog's nickname was "little" (she was a medium-sized dog...so there was no true or ironic meaning to the nickname at all). Anyway, Mister is a strange, geeky, cute 5-year-old sieberian husky with one blue and one green eye. I use the words "strange" and "geeky" to describe him because his personality is extremely aloof and if he were a person, he'd definitely have a pocket-protector. He has no reaction when anyone walks in the door, has no idea how to play, lays around all day, and shows no affection to anyone except when the moment suits him. I love him to death...and he seems to love me equally as much. But it's like an "unspoken love" on his part. Of course I cuddle and hug and talk baby talk to him constantly...and he just lays or sits there with no reaction whatsoever. But he loves walks and knows exactly when it's time for his walk. As soon as dinner is done, he is right on top of it - prancing around the house, following us around, basically coming alive for the first time all day. He loves it. My favorite trait of his is when there is a thunderstorm or fireworks anywhere in a 30 mile vicinity of our home - he goes biserk and acts like a total baby....following us around, practically on our heels, afraid that he is going to lose sight of us. It is the funniest...and cutest...thing ever!
Anyway, that's enough of me braggin' about my pooch...
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