Wednesday, September 07, 2005

falling in love

September is upon us and even though there is still a glimpse of summer...I am starting to get a craving for the fall season. It is getting to be that time of year where the mornings are crisp, the colors of the trees are beginning to change and football frenzy is in the air. OK, I know I sound totally cheesy...but I love this time of year!

This is the time of year when I miss my college days! Fall just reminds me of those good ol' years...beginning the school year, wondering what the upcoming year is going to hold, and parties, parties, and more parties! If we could only live in our college days forever! But then again, we'd be living our lives in a constant stage of hangovers, completely broke and always bummin' off mom and dad, and in houses that have kitchen floors coated in beer from the night before. I guess we have to grow up sometime...sigh...


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