Thursday, September 15, 2005

i wanna be carrie

I have a total obsession with Sex and the City. Totally and utterly obsessed. But I'm a late bloomer because I didn't get into the show when it is was on HBO...I'm a "TBS-version of Sex and the City" fan. But it still suffices my craving for the show.

I absolutely idolize Carrie Bradshaw. I wanna be her - dress like her...look like my hair like her...smoke cigarettes like like her...walk like her...the whole deal. It's like when you were a freshman in high school and there was that senior girl who you just wanted to be. The coolest girl in school. Well, that is Carrie Bradshaw to me. I love her outlook on life, men, work, friends...everything. And I find the show to be so inspiring - I can see each of my friends in each of the characters on the show. I have a Miranda, a Samantha, and a Charlotte...and I can only hope to be Carrie, although I know I'm totally not cool enough.


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