Thursday, September 22, 2005


I am beginning to feel my biological clock tick. The thought of being a mother isn't as mind-boggling as it once was and I am beginning to look forward to the idea of starting a family. Well, one of my best friends has recently opened my eyes and ears to the brutal truth of pregnancy and I feel my turtle head that was once gleaming with excitement going back in my turtle shell full of fear and shock of what awaits me.

Don't get me wrong...I appreciate and love the brutal truth. I feel so grateful that I have someone I can talk to about the grusome truth of pregnancy. Honestly. But it doesn't damper the fact that the "grusome truth" scares the crap out of me. The mental pictures that she paints for me are not pretty...not pretty at all. But I guess it's the maternal instincts in me that sustain my excitement to be pregnant and have my first child.

Which brings me to the classic, valid point what do the guys have to go through? I mean, really? The life experiences that women have to face are just shy of torture: menstrual cycles, including a week or more of cramps, bloating, swollen/sore boobs, back pain, being in a constant state of angry and the inevidable bleeding...and then there is the process of birth. And since I have never experienced the process of birth for myself, I can only take my best friends word for it...and it ain't no walk in the park. (I will spare you the details...I have a hard time stomaching hearing about the gorey details, let alone writing them out for you to enjoy) The thought of my husband having to endure any of these womanly experiences is quite humorous. He, along with every other living man, would die at the thought. They wouldn't be able to last a day in our shoes as a woman. Now, I am no feminist...but let's be real. I say: Everything we, as women, have to go through in life makes up for our shopping addictions, chocolate addictions, mood swings, and any other peeve men have with our 'girly' ways. Girrrrrrrrl Power! hahaha


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