Wednesday, September 21, 2005

disappointments and anticipation

Last night was Nip/Tuck's season premier and, like all Nip/Tuck fans, I was anxiously awaiting what this season's drama would hold. Although I missed the first 1/2 hour due to an intense game of "A$$hole" (I was down the shore...), what I did catch of the premiere was sadly disappointing. The juicy, soap opera-like drama that the first season delivered has slowly but surely turned into a tacky, over-the-top, sleazy show that I am beginning to lose interest in. I mean, really? How many times do we have to see Christian in a threesome or reinstate the fact that the son Sean once thought was actually the son of his best friend's? The writers seem to doubling over a lot of the story lines that were interesting the first time around...not the second, third, and fourth time. And, to that note, what happened to Christian? He was so much hotter last season! Another one of my main attractions to the show that seems to be going down hill...I can only hope that the storyline (and Christian's looks!) improves as the season progresses.

And I am in full swing of anticipation for tonight's season premiere of Lost. LOVE that show. Great storyline...great acting...great directing...just an all-
round great show. I try to get anyone and everyone I know into that show. And to make it only that much better, they have two of TVs great hotties on the show - Jack (Matthew Fox) and Sawyer (Josh Holloway)! yummy! So I will watch tonight to see what the climactic plot has in store for us this season...I'm sure I'll be blogging tomorrow to give my feedback...until then...


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