spring cleaning
Over the weekend I decided to embark on a spring cleaning marathon, both through my house and through my closets, to begin afresh. Afresh to a new season, afresh to a new week with a clean home, and afresh to ridding my closet of clothes I don't wear and/or don't fit me anymore. It's a good feeling to get rid of clothes that stare at me in the face everyday, knowing that I will probably never wear them again; only holding on to them out of guilt that someone special gave it to me, hoping that one day it will fit again, or as a result of my subconscious telling me "well, maybe one day I'll be desperately looking for something like this to complete an outfit" - but that day never comes.
I do my best to give an expiration date to my clothing: if I don't wear it once during the season it was purchased for, I rid it from my closet. However, this expiration date rule hasn't been followed for over a year now...and I was way overdue for some closet cleaning.
It is so fulfilling to give this clothing away to a charity I know will put it to good use. I prefer the Purple Heart organization but there are numerous associations out there that take clothing donations as well, such as The Salvation Army and Goodwill. Keep these gracious charities in mind when you go to do some spring cleaning this season - you will feel all the better for it.
I do my best to give an expiration date to my clothing: if I don't wear it once during the season it was purchased for, I rid it from my closet. However, this expiration date rule hasn't been followed for over a year now...and I was way overdue for some closet cleaning.
It is so fulfilling to give this clothing away to a charity I know will put it to good use. I prefer the Purple Heart organization but there are numerous associations out there that take clothing donations as well, such as The Salvation Army and Goodwill. Keep these gracious charities in mind when you go to do some spring cleaning this season - you will feel all the better for it.
Our house is in a desperate need of some Spring Cleaning. Although with the nice weather we have been having, it is great to have the windows open and let out those germs.
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