Monday, March 27, 2006

get down to it

It's that time of year when everyone takes a closer look at their waistline to evaluate the damage of the long, cold months of winter. Those extra 5 pounds that seemed to act as extra layer of insulation to endure the snow and cold have seen their last days. It's time to focus and whip back into tank-top/sundress/bikini-wearin' shape. It's time to get serious.

In order to get myself back on the right track, I've signed myself up for the first race of the season, Dash for Donor Awareness. Running in races are fulfilling in two-folds: 1.) you set a goal for yourself to get in shape under a strict timeline and 2.) you are supporting a great cause. I will be participating in the 10k (6.2 miles) run but there is also a 5k (3.1 miles) and 3k (1.8 miles) for anyone who may be interested. 5k's are just not for me. They are designed for sprinters - of which I am SO not. I have endurance on my side, but speed has never been my friend.

So now I have given myself a 4 week timeline to get back into my 'serious runner' mode and, at the same time, hopefully run off that insulation.


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