Tuesday, April 04, 2006

the claws come out

Wedding season is upon us. Anyone who has ever been in a wedding party, knows that this is the time of year when the planning, organizing, and shower/bachelorette party/'tending to the bride' madness begins. It is also a known fact that this madness can bring out the worst in people. The power mongrel, control freak, and devil-of-a-bridesmaid seems to come out in anyone involved. It can get ugly.

The only prevention for this sort of ugliness is to keep in mind that everything - all the organizing, planning, and tending to - is all for the bride-to-be. Afterall, her happiness is what truly matters. I am gratefully blessed to have a best friend who is a wonderful, relaxed, laid back bride-to-be, with no demands other than that we show for her big day on time and dressed in the cute little dresses she's chosen for us.


Blogger beachbum said...

i love it..i was thinking about the same thing the other day.

10:53 AM  

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