Thursday, August 24, 2006

pet remembrance day

The North Shore Animal League is the world's largest no-kill animal shelter and a charity that I hold very close to my heart. This coming Monday, August 28th, the NSAL is honoring Pet Remembrance Day:
August 28th marks the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the League continues to rescue pets from overcrowded shelters in the area. The North Shore Animal League critical rescue work wouldn't be possible without concerned supporters who understand the continuing plight of animals.

In memory of the pets that were lost and in honor of those that were rescued and adopted, NSAL will plant the Hurricane Katrina Pet Remembrance Tree.
Make a donation to North Shore Animal League America today and they will proudly hang a leaf with your name and message on it to show your support and concern for the pets impacted by the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina.

Donate Today >>

Take a Photo Journey of the Hurricane Katrina Rescue Mission >>


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