Tuesday, January 09, 2007

the webs we weave

I am determined to find a job I love.

That statement alone has caused me great anxiety since entering the "real world" but feel the pressure has only increased the more I realize what I actually want to do with my life. When I first started out in this jungle-of-a-career-world, I took any job that sounded remotely interesting and had a decent salary. Although the 'decent salary' part didn't necessarily ring true for my first job out of college, it pointed my career path in a direction I never would have guessed.

Having graduated from college with a degree in public relations, I dreamt of a sexy career planning lavish events for some sought-after company with a salary ending in multiple zeros and a rolodex filled with famous people. I had my eye set on a successful career in public relations and was going to do whatever it took to get my foot in the right door.

I quickly realized that the world of public relations was like being part of a secret society. As in any career, you must start from the very bottom and work your way up. However, when I noticed that the dream PR position I was longing for was being held by people with years more experience than I and that, for even the largest of companies, public relations departments usually consisted of less than 5 people, the chances of making it big anytime soon was looking pretty slim.

I am not known for having a lot of patience. When I want something to happen, I want it to happen two minutes ago. It was then that I realized maybe PR wasn't the industry for me.

I found my first 'real' job as many other recent graduates do - from a friend of a friend. It's best to have a few connections when you have a resume that only boasts your strong waitressing skills. So I got my foot in the door with a up-and-coming e-commerce company and, before I knew it, I was in love. Within six months, I realized that the online industry - e-commerce, internet strategy, online marketing, web design - was my true passion.

Today, my resume has a little more strength to it than just "waitressed at The Olive Garden for five years" and I am more in tune with what I want out of my career. But now that I know what I want, finding it is that much harder.


Blogger Jeni said...

i know what u mean.

2:06 PM  

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