Friday, September 23, 2005

i need more eddie

So I am obviously way more interested in blogging today than doing things I actually should be, um, work...but's Friday.

As I sit hear listening to my daily mix of music from my ipod (would die without it), one of my favorite Pearl Jam songs comes on and I think to myself "it's just not fair that I don't see as much of Eddie Vedder as I would like to". I looooove Eddie Vedder. He is tied for my number one front man (next to my other love, Chris Robinson of The Black Crowes) and I just wish I saw or heard more of him. I know Eddie has never been one for the fact, that is exactly what he is totally and completely against...but in the meantime, I am deprived of lusting after any Eddie pictures, articles, or anything of the such. So, in dedication to my obsession, I will use this post to suffice my craving. Hope you enjoy as much as I do...


Blogger Carolyn S. said...

I want to learn more about the ipod. How much is it, how much to download songs and can you listen to books, like books on tape?

FYI I know I'm a geek.

1:40 PM  

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