Thursday, April 13, 2006

no filter

I have a tendency to not censor myself before speaking. And I'm not referring to the many "open mouth, insert foot" occasions that I get myself into. I am speaking of the times when I just don't seem to put sugar coating on my words - and most of the time I just don't wanna sugar coat my words. I am afraid it's my 'take it or leave' kind of attitude that can rub people the wrong way.

Now don't get me wrong. I have never truly earned the "bitch" title and most people that know me think of me as a generally positive person. I mean, I was crowned "Best Personality" by my peers my senior year of high I'm not what you would consider a scary person. Most of the time anyway. (This is where my husband would quickly jump in to object...)

I just seem to have a hard time putting things lightly when I have a strong opinion about something. And it makes me frustrated when or if people expect me to censor myself just to protect the feelings of others - others who may be too weak to stand up for themselves, even if they are in the wrong and need to be given my opinion (in my opinion).

The "Best Personality" title may still exist in my high school year book, but I think some people may be demanding a recount.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally know what you mean. I, too, have trouble with censorship. I spend a lot of time regretting things I've said, even if they weren't necessarily of the "Open mouth, insert foot" variety. I don't tend to say anything mean, it's more that I overshare.

1:29 PM  

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