Tuesday, April 11, 2006

someone call the doctor

I have my first class tonight towards my quest of a Graphic Designs certificate from Penn State and I am psyched. Psyched, I tell you. Our first assignment was posted last week to have prepared for discussion in this evening's class and I have gone above and beyond expectations. I've researched, read, highlighted, taken notes...I tell you, I don't know who I am. I'm excited about getting back in the classroom again. Excited to learn new things.

I'm beginning to scare myself.

These actions are coming from the same person who would sleep through 8am classes (who am I kidding? Noon classes were considered "early" and held the same risk of being skipped as my 8am classes...). I would complete due assignments the day of or, at best, within the first 5 minutes of the class as the professor was walking around collecting our supposed completed assignments. The same person who would rather skip class to nurse a hangover from the night before with remedies of pizza and more beer, all the while watching a 90210 marathon lounging on the couch with my roommates, who had as much motivation to attend class as I did. So who is this person I've become?

Is this a sign of maturity? Does this mean that, at the ripe age of 27, I've finally come to realize the value of a good education? Oh, please tell me it's not true.

Keep a safe distance, people. It may be contagious...


Blogger Michelle B said...

Hmm.. seems like a case of 1st day of school excitement.. I'm sure you'll be home in a few months, scrambling to do your homework while watching lost.. kidding.. it's so much more exciting when you're learning something you love AND you appreciate the cost of education!!!!

2:00 PM  

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