Tuesday, May 02, 2006

run, forrest, run

I've started my spring/summer running routine by stopping at the local park on my way home from work to run a 5-mile loop. I look forward to this routine beginning late winter, once I become bored with my winter gym groove. I've never really been a huge fan of the gym, but the cold winter months force me inside to begin my aerobics classes and treadmill sessions, at the same time, acting as a nice change-of-pace to my outdoor running routine. But this change-of-pace only keeps my interest for so long before I get antsy for the outdoors once again.

The fresh air, warm breeze and colorful ambiance of the outdoors gives me the extra motivation to push myself that much harder. The occasional runners that pass me give me the extra fuel to pick up my pace just that much more. And the seldom athlete to bike/walk/sprint past me with rock-hard abs and sculpted-legs-to-die-for gives me the extra jealousy to work off those extra calories that much faster...


Blogger Carolyn S. said...

Oohh congats. How does it feel to run again outdoors after being cooped up all winter?

1:12 PM  
Blogger GoodTimes said...

oh, me loves it! :) it's so nice to be back in my outdoor running routine...

you, on the other hand, are probably excited to take some much-needed time off after all your marathon training!

1:29 PM  

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