Friday, June 16, 2006


I had a very strange night of sleep last night. For starters, my husband and I were abruptly awoken at 2:00am to the torturous sounds of cats...gettin' it on. For those of you who have never heard the noises that come from this mating ritual, imagine the wailing sounds of someone in agonizing pain, the screams of a crying baby, mixed in with the shrill of amplified nails on a chalkboard. Then times it by ten. Harmonious. And to be suddenly awoken from a deep sleep in the middle of the night by these God-forsaken noises makes it that much worse. Just when I thought my hatred towards cats couldn't go any deeper...

But the night was just about to get stranger as I feel back to sleep. To prelude the story, a close, dear college friend of mine suddenly passed away a year ago in March. This news was very disheartening to me and I think of him often. Well, as odd as it may sound, I think he may have visited me in my dreams last night. It was much more vivid to me when I first awoke, but I now have a very obscure memory of he and I passing a letter back and forth with words like "I am so glad to see you...I am just happy to see you smiling again...I am really glad you are here with me." It was like he was taking over my dreams as a way to communicate with me. I woke up feeling very refreshed, yet confused of what had happened. I tried to put the pieces of my dream together as quickly as possible, as not to forget what had occurred and the message he may have been trying to relay.

I know I may sound a bit cooky with this story, but whether Brian was trying to communicate with me or it was my subconscious releasing pent-up feelings, I think this dream tells me a lot about the connection that Brian and I had, although it was many years ago.

Or maybe I just need to stop watching Ghost Whisperer.


Blogger Michelle B said...

Wow.. i don't think you're cooky at all.. well, at least not about this..

I think he was definitely contacting you in one way or another.

it was the night of nasty animals.. i was awoken by the DISGUSTINGLY STRONG smell of skunk around the same time as your cats!

10:52 AM  

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